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How to survive your wedding as an introvert – the ultimate guide

How to survive your wedding as an introvert – wedding ideas for introverts

Does the thought of being the center of attention all day fill you with dread?

Do you feel tired after being in a crowd?

Are you planning a wedding and wondering how the hell you’re going to survive it?

You might be an introvert! But you probably knew that. 

Let’s be honest, traditional weddings are designed for extroverts – and so is just about everything else! But there’s nothing wrong with being an introvert and needing some time and space to recharge. Instead of fighting the part of you that feels a little afraid of what your wedding day will bring, you can work with it! You deserve a wedding day that makes you the happiest you’ve ever been – and you deserve to enjoy every minute of it. This day is about you, and with some tweaks on old traditions and some customizations to fit your needs, you’ll have a blast! Keep reading this guide for tips and wedding ideas for introverts!

1) Ditch the Wedding and Elope Instead

First on the list of wedding ideas for introverts is to let go of the expectations that come with traditional weddings, and elope instead! 

Now, I’m not talking about going to the courthouse one evening and getting it over with – I’m talking about an intentional, meaningful wedding day that shifts the focus to you and your partner. 

So many couples get pressured into throwing a big wedding, and don’t even stop to consider if it’s what they really want. Because there’s so much expectation around how weddings are “supposed to be,” it seems like they often become about everyone but the couple. But remember – you’re getting married! You should do it the way you want to.

Eloping is all about making sure your wedding day is about you, and that the way you get married reflects who you are. That could mean a tiny ceremony with just the two of you, or a small celebration with a few of your loved ones. The best way to survive a wedding as an introvert might be to not have a wedding at all!

If you feel that you’ll miss out by skipping the big celebration, you can also do something in between – plan an elopement with a bigger reception after, or plan a more intimate wedding with fewer guests.

2) Wedding Ceremony Ideas for Introverts

During your wedding day, there are a few things you can do to make things easier for yourself and ensure that you have a good time! Here are some wedding ceremony ideas for introverts.

a- Do a First Look

This one technically happens before the ceremony, but it’s one of my favorite wedding ideas for introverts! A first look is the moment that the two of you see each other for the first time on your wedding day. It happens right before the ceremony, one of you gets set up by the photographer, and the other walks up behind them to tap them on the shoulder. 

So many couples say their nerves melted away as soon as they saw each other, so this one isn’t just for introverts! But, if you’re nervous about having an audience, doing a first look is one of the best ways to take a moment to yourselves and allow yourselves to be emotional – with no one watching, it’s often much easier to be present and enjoy the moment. After the first look, most couples take some time to themselves, and go hide while guests arrive for the ceremony.

b- Read the Personal Vows in Private

While I love personal wedding vows and I think every couple should write their own, you can do that and opt out of reading them in front of your loved ones! Your wedding vows are so personal and vulnerable, and when it comes to surviving a wedding as an introvert, the thought of everyone hearing them can be stressful. 

You can have your officiant do the traditional vows during the ceremony – the “in sickness and in health” and “I do” ones, and share your vows with each other in private, either before the ceremony or after. 

c- Include Your Dog in Your Wedding Ceremony

Dogs are amazing for a lot of reasons – they can help with stress and anxiety, and just having your best friend by your side can be a relief! But, including your dog in your wedding has a secret benefit for introverts – everyone loves pups, and they’ll likely get a lot of the attention. 

You might feel better knowing that people are looking at your pup and not at you, at least for a little bit! For some tips on including your dog and planning a dog friendly elopement or wedding, check out this guide.

3) Wedding Reception Ideas for Introverts

Dances, cake cutting, toasts… the wedding reception can be a struggle for introverts! There’s still a lot of attention on you after the ceremony, so here are some wedding reception ideas for introverts.

a- Skip the Grand Entrance

Most of the time, there’s a cocktail hour after the ceremony – during this time, couples go off to take photos. This can be a great way to get some time alone and take a breather after the knot is tied, but afterwards, it’s usually customary for the couple to make an entrance into the reception. You can skip the fanfare if the thought of all eyes being on you again makes you squirm!

Instead of having your DJ announce you and your new spouse, you can just mingle into the cocktail hour after your photographer is done with photos. Slip into the crowd of guests and chat with your loved ones! It’s a nice way to connect with the people you invited, without drawing too much attention.

b- Take Time for Yourselves

Throughout the day, one of the best tips and wedding ideas for introverts is to schedule some time to relax, away from your guests. You know what you need better than anyone else does, so work in a few short breaks or a couple longer ones – you can take couple’s photos during this time, or if you prefer to be entirely alone with no obligations and no eyes on you, put some down time into your timeline.

c- Games Instead of Dances

For a lot of introverts, dancing isn’t their cup of tea – and if that’s the case for you, you can skip them! If you’re all right with dancing but don’t want to be the only one up there, you can do a first dance that includes other couples, do your parent dances at the same time, or skip the formal dancing all together and open up the dance floor for everyone.

But, if you don’t want to boogie, you can plan some other reception activities instead! One fun way to spend the evening is with games – you can do lawn games, board games, bingo, games for the entire group, anything! 

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4) Forgo Anything That Doesn’t Work for You

The most important thing to remember when it comes to surviving a wedding as an introvert is that there are no rules when it comes to how you get married! Whether you plan a tiny elopement or a big celebration, don’t be afraid to do what feels right to you, and don’t hesitate to revamp – or ditch – traditions that don’t suit you. 
As an elopement photographer and an introvert I love to help couples do the unexpected, embrace the untraditional, and to make sure they have the wedding day of their dreams! Contact me, and let’s talk about yours.

Let’s chat!

Are you eager to start planning your elopement? Wherever you’d like to explore, I’m here to help you envision, plan and immortalize this beautiful adventure! Contact me now for a free consultation!


Hi! I'm Amber, a multi-award-winning adventure elopement photographer, planner and guide based in Europe. Since 2013, I help delicate, sensitive and adventurous souls plan and live the peaceful elopement of their dream anywhere in the world. I had the privilege of being published on more than 20 international magazines, and have won more than 60 photography awards. My work is inspired by atmospheres and landscapes, as well as the delicacy of the invisible link that every couple shares. I welcome with love and undivided attention every couple who reaches out and I truly believe that everyone's love needs to be celebrated. I can't wait to hear from you!