Real elopements

A beautiful elopement on a glacier followed by epic photos on a black beach

A beautiful elopement on a glacier followed by epic photos on a black beach

Anna-Kaye and Andrew dreamed of eloping in Iceland, and when they contacted me, we instantly clicked. I had so much fun planning and photographing their amazing and beautiful adventure in the est coast of Iceland!

We crossed rivers to reach the most beautiful glacier, and we explored different parts of the coast to find some of the most beautiful spots for their couple photos, and it was such an epic day filled with love and so much warmth despite the freezing wind! I’ll leave you discover the photos of this memorable day.


Hi! I'm Amber, a multi-award-winning adventure elopement photographer, planner and guide based in Europe. Since 2013, I help delicate, sensitive and adventurous souls plan and live the peaceful elopement of their dream anywhere in the world. I had the privilege of being published on more than 20 international magazines, and have won more than 60 photography awards. My work is inspired by atmospheres and landscapes, as well as the delicacy of the invisible link that every couple shares. I welcome with love and undivided attention every couple who reaches out and I truly believe that everyone's love needs to be celebrated. I can't wait to hear from you!